Dividend Income - October 2014

plan on recording my monthly dividend payments on this blog for you all to see. I had a Goal for 2014 of producing more than £300 in Dividend payments, which I hit last month! This post will collate all of the dividends I've received this month and how I'm tracking against my original Goal. I will reveal which companies have paid, and how much they've contributed.
I'm in the early stages of Dividend Growth Investing, yet I'm already witnessing the increased impact they are having on my monthly income. Over time, the Dividends will continue grow and become more significant. My long term goal is to receive enough Dividend Income to surpass my monthly expenses. I need to remain patient in this early stage because success will not arrive overnight. I will continue to save a large proportion of my monthly income (over 50% for 2014), invest as much money as I can afford, and re-invest all other income streams into Dividend Growth stocks. I will repeat this process consistently for several years to meet my goal of becoming Financially Independent by my 40th Birthday.

October Dividend Payments:

Monthly Dividends
GlaxoSmithKline £15.20
HSBC £4.68
Broker Loyalty Bonus £0.04

Total £19.92

October was a low month for dividends. My lowest month prior to this was back in April 2014, when I was new to writing in this Blog. It's still additional money for doing very little, as I made my investments in these two companies back in 2013. 

I didn't receive any dividends in October last year, so every penny contributes to an increase year on year, no matter how small!

My 2014 Dividend total is now at £435.13, which is £135.13 more than my £300 Goal for 2014. I was really pleased with hitting the goal with a quarter to go. I'm now hoping to go on to hit over £500 in dividends for 2015.  

How was October for you? Please let me know how it went. 

Thank you for reading!
